Furthermore, a panel of sABs binding to different regions of paramyxovirus envelope glycoproteins and affecting different processes of the viral entry into the cell has been used to understand the methods in viral membrane fusion leading to acute respiratory infections [125]

Furthermore, a panel of sABs binding to different regions of paramyxovirus envelope glycoproteins and affecting different processes of the viral entry into the cell has been used to understand the methods in viral membrane fusion leading to acute respiratory infections [125]

December 12, 2024
The assay was detected with a colorimetric reaction using BM-Blue POD soluble substrate (Roche)

The assay was detected with a colorimetric reaction using BM-Blue POD soluble substrate (Roche)

December 11, 2024


December 9, 2024
Compared to the HIV-infected adults, the HIV-uninfected controls in our study were younger and had more female; however, there were no significant differences in the prevalences of seroprotective antibodies at baseline as well as seroprotective rates to all three viruses after MMR vaccination among different age groups and genders (data not shown)

Compared to the HIV-infected adults, the HIV-uninfected controls in our study were younger and had more female; however, there were no significant differences in the prevalences of seroprotective antibodies at baseline as well as seroprotective rates to all three viruses after MMR vaccination among different age groups and genders (data not shown)

December 8, 2024
Our findings illustrate the potential of NA-specific immunity for achieving broader protection against antigenic drift variants or newly emerging viruses carrying the same NA but a different HA subtype

Our findings illustrate the potential of NA-specific immunity for achieving broader protection against antigenic drift variants or newly emerging viruses carrying the same NA but a different HA subtype

December 7, 2024


November 26, 2024


H.T.C.C., C.A.P., J.K., H.F., T.We., C.We.M., R.R.F., P.J.D., L.R.D., V.E., J.S.V., A.L.W., and I.T. reported agonistic anti-CD40 mAbs highly. Such conversion would depend on the initial...

Compared to the HIV-infected adults, the HIV-uninfected controls in our study were younger and had more female; however, there were no significant differences in the prevalences of seroprotective antibodies at baseline as well as seroprotective rates to all three viruses after MMR vaccination among different age groups and genders (data not shown)

Compared to the HIV-infected adults, the HIV-uninfected controls in our study were younger and had more female; however, there were no significant differences in the prevalences...


J. serum elevated the adherence from the HbhA-coated beads towards the J774.A1 cells inside a C3-reliant manner. If HbhA inside the bacterial cell membrane features to...