Conversely, no significant difference was observed in high-sensitivity CRP (hs-CRP) levels between the two organizations, contradicting our expectation

Conversely, no significant difference was observed in high-sensitivity CRP (hs-CRP) levels between the two organizations, contradicting our expectation. B and C are serial sections. Many cells are immunopositive for C1q in atheromatous plaque (A). C1q immunoreactivity is found in many macrophages (B, CD68) and some clean muscle mass cells (C, -clean muscle actin). Arrows and arrowheads display C1q-positive macrophages and clean muscle mass cell, respectively. A-C, initial magnification x100.(TIF) pone.0262413.s002.TIF (675K) GUID:?A99DDD16-05ED-43BE-A5E5-9F545C7D4563 S3 Fig: Immunohistochemistry for C1q using another anti-C1q antibody (clone EPR2981) (A). Immunohistochemical double staining of C1q (clone EPR2981) and macrophages (CD68, B and C) or clean muscle mass cells (-clean SKF 89976A HCl muscle mass actin, D) (BCD). A and B are serial sections. Necrotic core, extracellular matrix, and many cells were immunopositive for C1q in atheromatous plaques (A). Middle-magnification image of immunohistochemical double staining of C1q (blue) and macrophages (brownish) (B). Many macrophages (brownish) are positive for C1q (blue) (C, high-magnification image of the selected area indicated from the rectangle in B), and clean muscle mass cells (brownish) will also be positive for C1q (reddish) (D). Arrows denote double-positive cells for C1q and macrophages (C) or clean muscle mass cells (D). Bad control (E). A, initial magnification 40; B, Initial magnification 100; CCE, Initial magnification 200.(TIF) pone.0262413.s003.TIF (876K) GUID:?F7216344-C7B5-4FB0-8138-B0F7C6366682 S1 Table: (DOCX) pone.0262413.s004.docx (15K) GUID:?83A89F08-169C-4987-AEA1-0C36E4B944E7 S1 Natural images: (TIF) pone.0262413.s005.TIF (227K) GUID:?5BDB2309-1CC7-40B5-9967-F00EA4A18371 Attachment: Submitted filename: = 0.026; Fig 2A and 2B). In addition, real-time PCR shown that the relative mRNA manifestation of C1q was significantly higher in advanced lesions than in early lesions (= 0.03; Fig 2C). Open in a separate windows Fig 1 Representative immunohistochemical results of atherosclerotic lesions in abdominal aortas.Immunohistochemistry for C1q (ACD). Immunohistochemical double staining of C1q and macrophages (E, F) or clean muscle mass cells (G). Extracellular matrix (A), necrotic cores (B), macrophages (C, high-magnification image of the selected area indicated from the rectangle in B), and clean muscle mass cells (D, high-magnification image of the selected area indicated from the square SKF 89976A HCl in B) were positive for C1q. Arrows denote macrophages and clean muscle mass cells that are positive for C1q (C and D, respectively). Middle-magnification image of immunohistochemical double staining of C1q (blue) and macrophages (brownish) (E). Many macrophages (brownish) are positive for C1q (blue) (F, high-magnification image of the selected area indicated from the rectangle in E), and clean muscle mass cells (brownish) will also be positive for C1q (reddish) (G). Arrows denote double-positive cells for C1q and macrophages (CD68) (F) or clean muscle mass cells (-clean muscle mass actin) (G). Bad control (H). N, necrotic core; S, shoulder region of the plaque; M, press; A, adventitia. A and C, Initial magnification 200; B, Initial magnification 10; D, FCH, Initial magnification 400; E, Initial magnification 100. SARP2 SKF 89976A HCl Open in a separate windows Fig 2 C1q manifestation in atherosclerotic lesions in abdominal aortas.Western blot (A, B) and real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis (C) were performed to evaluate C1q protein and mRNA expression in early and advanced lesions. Early and advanced atherosclerotic lesions exhibited morphological variance in the numbers of macrophages and clean muscle mass cells and the nature of the matrix component; consequently, C1q protein manifestation was considered to vary among these lesions. The relative C1q protein (B) and mRNA (C) manifestation was significantly higher in advanced lesions than in early lesions (= 0.026 and = 0.03, respectively). C1q manifestation in the culprit coronary plaques in the DCA specimens The initial baseline characteristics of 37 individuals with SAP or ACS are offered in Table 2. The difference in risk factors for coronary artery disease between the two groups was not significant, excluding the higher proportion of individuals prescribed aspirins in the SAP group than in ACS group (= 0.05). The number of macrophages in ACS SKF 89976A HCl plaques was significantly higher than that in SAP plaques (= 0.009), but there was no significant difference in the number of clean muscle cells (= 0.14) or the presence or absence of necrotic cores (= 0.50) between the two organizations (Table 3). Immunohistochemical analysis illustrated that C1q manifestation was significantly higher in ACS plaques than in SAP plaques (= 0.034; Fig 3AC3C). Open in a separate windows Fig 3 Representative microphotographs of the C1q manifestation in the culprit coronary plaques in DCA specimens.Immunostaining for C1q was performed in the SAP (A).