Compared to the HIV-infected adults, the HIV-uninfected controls in our study were younger and had more female; however, there were no significant differences in the prevalences of seroprotective antibodies at baseline as well as seroprotective rates to all three viruses after MMR vaccination among different age groups and genders (data not shown). RNA <50 copies/mL, and 132 HIV-uninfected controls, aged 20C59?years, at Chiang Mai University Hospital during July and August 2011. Prevalences of protective antibodies to these viruses as well as serologic responses after MMR vaccination in those without protective antibody to at least one of the three viruses were compared between groups. Results The prevalences of protective antibodies to measles, mumps, and rubella were 94.2, 55.0, and 84.6?% among HIV-infected adults, and 97.7, 67.5, and 89.4?% among HIV-uninfected controls, respectively. The prevalence of protective antibody to mumps was significantly lower in HIV-infected adults (test, and categorical variables were compared using Chi-2 test and Fishers exact test. Statistical significance was set as 2-tailed, with p-value of <0.05. The Bonferroni correction was used for multiple comparisons. All statistical analyses were performed using Stata statistical software version 11.0 (Stata Statistical Software: Release 11.0, Stata Corporation, College Station, TX, 2009). The study was approved by the Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University Ethical Committee. The trial was registered to the ("type":"clinical-trial","attrs":"text":"NCT02724852","term_id":"NCT02724852"NCT02724852) on March 31, 2016. Results Seroprevalence of antibodies to measles, mumps, and rubella Five hundred HIV-infected adults and 132 HIV-uninfected controls were enrolled. Among HIV-infected adults, 218 (43.6?%) were male; the median age was 41?years (IQR 36, 48), and the median CD4 cell count was 470 cells/mm3 (IQR 364, 594). Among HIV-uninfected adults, 35 were male (26.5?%), and the median age was 38?years (IQR 30.5, 48). Characteristics of HIV-infected adults and HIV-uninfected controls are shown in Table?1. Table 1 Characteristics of HIV-infected adults and HIV-uninfected controls
HIV-infected adults (N?=?500)
HIV-uninfected controls (N?=?132)
Male218 (43.5)35 (26.5)<0.001Age (years)41 (36, 48)38 (30.5, 59)0.001History of measles or mumps or rubella vaccination<0.001?Yes60 (12.0)12 (9.1)?No231 (46.2)9 (6.8)?Uncertain209 (41.8)111 (84.1)History of mumps0.161?Yes39 (7.8)6 (4.6)?No454 (90.8)126 (95.5)?Uncertain7 (1.4)0 (0)History of measles0.825?Yes12 (2.4)2 (1.5)?No481 (96.2)128 (97.0)?Uncertain7 (1.4)2 (1.5)History of rubella0.039?Yes2 (0.4)3 (2.3)?No491 (98.2)129 (97.7)?Uncertain7 (1.4)0 (0) Open in a separate window The prevalences of protective antibodies to measles, mumps, and rubella and the antibody levels across age groups are shown in Tables?2 and ?and3,3, respectively. Among HIV-infected adults, the prevalence of protective antibody to measles was significantly lower among adults aged 20C29?years than other age groups (p-values?0.05). There were no differences of the prevalence of protective antibody to mumps across age Azatadine dimaleate groups. The prevalence of protective antibody to rubella was lower among adults aged 40C49?years than aged 30C39 (p-value?=?0.016), and 50C59?years (p-value?=?0.035). However, overall, there were no differences in prevalences of protective antibodies to all three viruses across all age groups. Among HIV-uninfected controls, there were also no differences in prevalences of protective antibodies to all three viruses across all age groups. However, we observed a higher anti-mumps IgG titer among those aged 50C59?years than all other age groups (p-values?0.05). Table 2 Prevalences of protective antibodies against Rabbit Polyclonal to CLK4 measles, mumps, and rubella in HIV-infected adults and HIV-uninfected controls across age groups
20C2919/24 (79.2)28/30 (93.3)0.22115/24 (62.5)20/30 (66.7)0.78123/24 (95.8)29/30 (96.7)1.00030C39186/192 (96.9)42/42 (100)0.595101/192 (52.6)29/42 (69.1)0.060168/192 (87.5)36/42 (85.7)0.79940C49170/182 (93.4)29/30 (96.7)0.69995/182 (52.2)17/30 (56.7)0.697142/182 (78.0)25/30 (83.3)0.63450C5996/102 (94.1)30/30 (100)0.33664/102 (62.8)23/30 (76.7)0.19290/102 (88.2)28/30 (93.3)0.736Overall471/500 (94.2)129/132 (97.7)0.120275/500 (55.0)89/132 (67.5)0.010423/500 (84.6)118/132 (89.4)0.209 Open in a separate window Table 3 IgG antibody levels to measles, antibody titers to?mumps, and antibody levels to rubella in HIV-infected adults and HIV-uninfected controls across age groups
20C291743 (1101, 6816)4383.5 (1526, 6195)0.399919 (202, 2009.5)976 (414, 1588)0.80344.5 (18.5, 86)44.5 (21, 73)0.74130C393327 (1636, 5378)5015 (2724, 6652)0.007605 (220, 1546)967 (403, 1664)0.06443.5 (18, 105)28 (14, Azatadine dimaleate 60)0.07140C492949 (1416, 6010)5023.5 (2990, 7735)0.345552 (138.5, 1522)720.5 (174, 1558)0.77741 (12, 106)52 (12, 70)0.97650C593115.5 (1568, 5737)5938 (2591, 6986)0.066905.5 (315.5, 2199.5)1273.5 (533, 2716)0.07454 (17, 101.5)59.5 (13, 103)0.879Overall3055 (1491, 5737)4994 (2531.5, 6718.5)<0.001644 (190, 1777)976 (313, 2057)0.01044 (16, 105)38 (13, 89)0.305 Open in a separate window Although the prevalence of protective antibody to mumps was lower in HIV-infected adults than in HIV-uninfected controls (p-value?=?0.010), there were no differences in the prevalences of protective antibodies to all three viruses between HIV-infected adults and HIV-uninfected controls in all age groups. The antibody?levels against measles were significantly higher in HIV-uninfected controls than HIV-infected adults in those aged 30C39?years. The antibody titers against mumps and the antibody levels against?rubella were not different between HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected controls in all age groups..